This is a common scenario. To address this kind of a scenario, you must first understand the skills assessed for each item in PTE. There are 20 question types in PTE, and you must be fully aware of the skills assessed under each of the question types. Once you have a fair idea about the same, you can put the same as per the order of priority based on the total marks for each question type. Post doing that you can assess your performance under each of these items and see where you are missing out. You may take help from experts, rather than relying on your own knowledge.
You need to create a username and password on the PTE academic official website for you to book your exam. A candidate can create only one username and password. You should not use different email ids to create multiple accounts for one candidate. If you do like that you may face technical issues after writing the exam. You can book your PTE exam by using the link under the “Book Your Exam” option under PTE Course.
Of course, Yes. Some websites are popularising the idea of candidates losing marks as they are using the “backspace button” to edit or correct the writing tasks. This information is not correct. A candidate can use the “backspace button” or any other “buttons” on the keyboard to write, edit or correct the matter for writing tasks. This information has no base.
PTE is a computer-based exam. But, you need not be a computer expert to write the PTE exam. You need to have a basic understanding of the computer, or you just need to have a basic working knowledge of the computer for you to write this exam.
No. You do not need to be a typing expert or to have a high speed in typing, for you to score 90 in Writing! You need to have the basic speed in typing. And need to have a basic working knowledge of the computer for you to write this exam. This is partially due to the fact that JMSPTE gives an 80:20 format for writing an essay and the other two summaries. Means you can practise what to write before you give your exam. Our students finish the essay and summary in half the allotted time.
No. You NEED NOT required speak like a Native English Speaker for you to get a 9 band in PTE exam. In fact, PTE is conducted mainly for non-native English speaker. If any website or any online English “GURUS” are asking you to speak like a Native English Speaker, then it is PURE IGNORANCE of those ENGLISH GURUS. The fact is that you can have “pure non-native English Pronunciation”, and still can get 90 in your Speaking. We advise you not to go with the definitions of the English GURUS, but with the definition of the pronunciation of PTE Pearson. PTE Pearson defined pronunciation as “Ability to produce speech sounds in a way that is easily understandable to most regular speakers of the language. Regional or national pronunciation variants are considered correct to the degree that they are understandable to most regular speakers of the language”. This definition can be accessed at (
Listening scores can be low due to a variety of reasons. The most common reason is the low performance in Write From Dictation. PTE gives heavy loading of marks for Write From Dictation. You will have to get approximately 35 to 40 points from your Speaking towards your Listening. The balance 50 to 55 has to come from Listening section. From these 50 to 55 points, around 30 to 35 points will be for Write From Dictation. The rest of 15 to 20 points need to come from the rest of the sessions of Listening. You need to have a clear understanding of the items where listening is marked for you to score best in listening. Having understood the items marked for listening, you need to use a variety of strategies to score good in your Listening.
Speaking is the ONLY item in PTE that can be fully fixed through strategies. Some important points to keep in mind are:
1) You should be fluent in your Read-Aloud.
2) Describe Image and Retell Lecture can be scored to 90 with JMSPTE’s simple and proven 80:20 Speaking Formats.
3) Repeat Sentences section requires a bit of skill to score a perfect 90. However, even average students can use JMSPTE’s strategies to score a PERFECT 90 in Repeat Sentences.
4) Answer Short Questions can be fixed through repeated questions bank, and through strategies, if you do not know the answer.
Writing in PTE is evaluated in six different places. Out of these SIX item types, only two items - Summarise Written Text (SWT), and Write an Essay – belong to the Writing section. The other places where Writing is evaluated are: Summarise Spoken Text (SST), Write From Dictation (WFD), Fill In the Blanks - Listening; and Fill In the Blanks Reading and Writing. To understand why you are not doing well in Writing, we need to assess your performance in all these SIX item types.
Out of the SIX sections, THREE sections can be scored to NINE Band by using JMSPTE’s 80:20 Writing Formats. However, the balance THREE items need to be fixed NOT through formats, but through other techniques. Also, an extremely important point to keep in mind is that the WFD section contributes heavy marks towards your Writing. To know more, we recommend you to take JMSPTE’s FREE DEMO CLASS. Please whats app to +61 450 451 537 to book your appointment.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin feugiat condimentum arcu hendrerit cursus. Nunc in magna vitae erat laoreet vehicula.